February 20, 2024
5 mins

Bioptimus: The first-ever universal AI foundation model for biology

Today, we are proud to announce our support and investment in Bioptimus, a cutting-edge initiative that will foster collaborative projects, fuel breakthrough discoveries and accelerate innovations in biomedicine and beyond.

Bioptimus will provide one-of-a-kind foundation models to super-charge our mission: understanding complex biology to bring better drugs and diagnostics to patients.

As an early investor, Owkin will provide various resources to Bioptimus, from sharing office space to supporting recruitment efforts.

In particular, Owkin will have privileged access to a selection of the models developed by Bioptimus, where we will be able to evaluate and integrate Bioptimus’ foundation models into Owkin’s AI engines and future methodological projects targeting downstream tasks relevant to Owkin.

Check out the news here and visit to keep up with the latest updates on Foundation Models for biology.

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Bioptimus: The first-ever universal AI foundation model for biology

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